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Do you find it important?

That your doctor is trained and professionally competent, with years of work experience?

That your prosthetic works are provided by a specialist in dental prosthetics?

That the implants inserted into your mouth have been registered in the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia, which guarantees their quality, safety and efficiency?

That the doctor inserting the implants is a Straumann instructor, (Straumann being one of the best implant systems in the world at the moment), and that he trains other doctors on how to use the system?

That your doctor holds lectures and courses all around the world as a visiting professor?

That your doctor continually invests in his education and professional development?

That your dentist is your friend and that he would never advise you against your best interest?


If you do find all the above things important, you are our target group and we are here because of YOU.  

Call us now and make your first appointment!