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The consequences of overdoing carbonated beverages

The case of a young Australian by the name of William Kennewell confirms that your general health and looks are affected by the health of your teeth. Due to taking in an excessive amount of sweet and carbonated beverages which damage the teeth and destroy the roots, he ended up completely toothless and seriously jeopardised his general health. He drank between 6 and 8 litres of Coke every day. His teeth decayed and their roots rotted, which caused blood poisoning. His condition improved only when all his teeth were extracted. Now, at the age of 25, he has total upper and lower dentures.

Therefore, try to develop healthy habits. Carrots, kohlrabi or fruit instead of nibbles, and freshly squeezed juices instead of sweet beverages, will be good for your body and, consequently, will contribute to your good looks.