Improve your brain functions by brushing your teeth

Mental exercises can improve your brain activity up to 40% in only a week. By solving puzzles, memorising lists and moving the computer mouse using the “wrong” hand, you will considerably improve the abilities of your brain.

The above conclusion was reached after testing 100 volunteers for a BBC show called “Become Smarter in a Week”. Volunteers had a task to move around the house blindfolded and to brush their teeth using the “wrong” hand, i.e. the non-dominant hand.

They also had to have enough sleep and to exercise. Fast food was forbidden.

It was expected that the combination of a healthy life and the tasks demanding a lot of thinking would increase the subjects’ level of intelligence by some10 %. The results surpassed the expectations. 

The test shootings involving 15 volunteers showed that the results were up to 40% better as compared to the beginning of the week. The volunteers had other tasks as well, such as looking up unusual words in a dictionary and having a shower with their eyes closed. All of them significantly improved their brain functions. 

IQ has traditionally been considered a precise measure of someone’s intelligence. However, more and more scientists deem that certain actions may improve your brain abilities significantly in only a week. 

The psychologists of the Institute for Neurological Research in Dublin confirmed that daily exercise may result in improvements similar to those achieved by the BBC group.

Professor Ian Robertson tested 3.000 men and women of over 65 years of age. He found out that relatively easy exercises may significantly reduce cognitive deterioration. After doing only 10 mental exercises, mental age was reduced by 7 – 14 years.

So try. Our recommendation would be to begin by brushing your teeth using the “wrong” hand.